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Community Training
Community training | CareFlight MediSim
CareFlight MediSim is a community-focused national education program providing a variety of high-quality training programs at no cost to participants. The MediSim suite of workshops provide hands-on, practical simulation-based training designed to share clinical knowledge and grow skills in first responders with the aim of strengthening resilience in urban, rural and remote communities.
Since 2011, more than 460 MediSim workshops have been delivered across Australia. Over 6,500 Australians have been trained and equipped with the necessary skills to save lives and speed recovery immediately after a trauma occurs.
Through our MediSim program, CareFlight is committed to improving the chain of care by increasing the capability of those who are likely to be first on scene so that injured patients receive effective, evidence based care much closer to the time of injury.
Thanks to donations from individuals and businesses, our community education program is delivered nationally and provided at no cost to participants. This makes the mobile program accessible to all first responders and those who may not have the time or funds to travel to specialist education centres in capital or regional cities.
“Best training I have ever done. Should be mandatory for every first responder!”
John Brown, SES participant
Trauma Care Workshops (TCW)
CareFlight is committed to building capacity and resilience in first responders to enable continuity of care in remote, rural and urban Australia.
Our Trauma Care Workshop is a mobile, national training initiative that combines theoretical and simulation-based trauma training. It equips participants and first responders from urban, rural and remote communities with the necessary skills to save lives and speed recovery after a trauma accident.
First responders (whether local passersbys, colleagues, emergency service volunteers or trained professionals) may need to help sustain life for trauma patients until professional medical help arrives. These people who are first on scene of an emergency frequently assist medical staff in situations where there are multiple casualties. What they do for trauma patients in those first few minutes can mean the difference between life and death. This workshop is for you and anyone who may act as a first responder.
Topics covered include:
- Airway management
- Haemorrhage control
- Spinal precautions and manual handling safety
- Equipment removal (e.g., helmet) and when to remove
- Crush injuries
- Stabilisation and safe extraction of patients from confined spaces
- Patient assessment
- Hand-over techniques to medical professionals
- Mass casualty
Sick and Injured Kids in the Bush (SIKITB)
Dealing with sick or critically injured children is challenging, especially in remote, rural and regional communities where access to specialists is limited.
CareFlight’s Sick and Injured Kids in the Bush (SIKITB) workshop is a mobile, evidence-based workshop combining practical skills training and relevant scenario-based discussions designed to assist clinicians and other key members of regional, rural and remote communities treat injuries and illnesses in children and babies.
Some of the topics covered include:
- Paediatric assessment
- Fluids for kids
- Intraosseous insertions
- Deteriorating patients and cardiac arrest
- Neonatal resuscitation
- Paediatric trauma simulation
CareFlight Educators delivering this training are a team of highly skilled doctors, nurses and paramedic who are passionate about building capacity in communities to ensure paediatric patients are given the best possible chance of recovery. We would be delighted to work with you, your colleagues, health clinics and paediatric services in your community.
Remote Trauma Courses (RTC)
CareFlight’s Remote Trauma Course (RTC) is an evidence-based course that has been developed after community consultation and incorporates Indigenous learning styles to ensure equity in the education of first responders across the Northern Territory (NT). CareFlight recognises that greater learning outcomes can be achieved by connecting with communities, sharing knowledge and creating pathways to understanding through narrative and kinaesthetic learning.
The RTC offers participants the opportunity to gain knowledge, understanding and skill in lifesaving interventions which aim to reduce mortality and morbidity whilst awaiting a higher-level of care. The course can be tailored to specific industries or work groups, especially in remote settings.
This workshop focuses on typical trauma scenarios experienced in the NT and is delivered through practical scenario-based training that includes story-telling and yarning circles. The course draws upon participants’ own experiences and skills and reflects the remoteness of the Territory.
Remote Trauma Care Workshops are supported by VIVA Energy Australia and we thank them for their continued support.
Participants will learn about:
- Patient assessment
- DRSABC: Danger, Response, Sending for Help, Airway, Breathing and Circulation
- Catastrophic haemorrhage control
- Patient exposure and handover
- And more …
Enquire directly about our available courses here.
Like more information?
Enquire directly about our available courses, including pre-hospital and advanced clinical training, first aid and trauma care workshops for emergency first responders.
Reach out to our team today
Want to help deliver CareFlight's community training nationally?
We rely on donations to provide this trauma care training to rescue volunteers and local emergency service personnel.
Donations and sponsorship means we can take these lifesaving workshops to rural and remote communities at no cost.
Donate today