About Us
CareFlight is an Australian aeromedical charity with a mission to save lives, speed recovery and serve the community.
Your support will save Australian lives | See our appeal
CareFlight is an Australian aeromedical charity with a mission to save lives, speed recovery and serve the community.
Our Vision is to be the most advanced integrated aeromedical service, trusted by all Australians.
Learn MoreToday our doctors and nurses fly to and from destinations across Australia on helicopters, aeroplanes and jets.
Learn MoreCareFlight offers a variety of challenging and exciting career
opportunities in medicine, aviation and support services.
CareFlight’s Board of Directors ensure we stay true to our vision, uphold our code of conduct and ethics, and adhere to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.
ArrowCareFlight views its Reconciliation Action Plan and commitment with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as a key underpinning our Vision.
ArrowCareFlight is committed to reducing our environmental impact and improving the sustainability of our business into the future.
ArrowCareFlight encourages equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, with the aim of creating a culture which respects others and celebrates our differences.
ArrowOur Corporate Partners contribute their time, resources and financial support to help keep our aircraft in the skies and our medical crew continuing to save lives across Australia.
ArrowCareFlight uses the most advanced helicopters, turbo-prop aeroplanes and jet aircraft to transfer patients from accident scenes and between hospitals.
ArrowClick through to read the latest news and stories about CareFlight, including from our patients and team members.